Ramped-Up Earth
An ancient building technique aids modern
Last year, on a bright spring Sunday
in the Southwest, I spent a day sifting
a pile of dirt in exchange for beer, BBQ
and, most importantly, a cursory knowledge
of rammed-earth construction. Across the
street from the dried up Santa Fe River
in New Mexico, a crew of friends and I
gathered to construct the future home
of Zane Fischer, a sustainability-minded
arts writer and strategist at mobile-optimized
web-design company Anagr.am, who chose
rammed earth to keep him warm at night—and
cool in the day.
Finish Story >
Zane Fischer attended one of Quentin
Branch's 3-day workshops and then built
a house featured in the Columbia Journalism
School's e-zine, written by Rani
Molla (you may have
to create a free account to sign in to
view the entire story).